2025: Agile Project Management online konzultáció: info@budasys.com
10 YEARS of „First Friday Free”
Started in 2015, we offer First Friday Free to all new clients to discuss your strategy, sales or project management needs. Book a date now.
2024: Feedback Culture Development
An intensive course using models by Skinner, Murphy, Shannon-Weaver, Laswell, Fiske, Ackerlof, Nash, Mehrabian, Pease, Thomas-Kilmann, and Pfeiffer in order to enhance team cohesion and build customer rapport.
Project Management Crash Course (PMCC)
One-Day Intensive Course Online or On Site starting July 2023! More: info@budasys.com
Reinventing Organizations – 2023
New partnership with Christopher Weber-Fürst to apply Teal in Hungary.
25 Years: 25 Programs
Celebrate our anniversary with a choice of 25 management development workshops created since 1997. For more: info@budasys.com
New Tools in 2022: Emotional Intelligence
Conflict Matrix, Cultural Dimensions, Nonviolent Communication, Change Management, Stress Management, Cognitive Dissonance, Inner Game: info@budasys.com
Book now as we have limited dates available in 2023. Continue >>
„We are in the process of creating novel ideas and focus oriented business development. Endre shows great interest and a good sense of understanding of our needs.”
„Endre is an excellent lecturer and project manager. I absolutely recommend working together with Endre.” More>>
Methodologies: Strategy, Sales, Projects
Soft Skills: Leadership, Time Management, Assertiveness, Team Building
Consulting: Lean, Communication, Customer Relationship Management